Greece offers


What it offers

The implementation of Law 4487/2017 was a decisive step towards attracting investment through the production of films, television series, documentaries, animation, and digital games in Greece. Currently the Greek cash rebate is to 40%, provides a flexible floor for TV series (€15,000-€25,000 per episode), a minimum for digital games (€30,000), and includes documentaries (€60,000) and short films with a minimum of €60,000. The maximum amount of cash rebate an investment plan can receive is €12 million.The incentive has no sunset date, and it can serve as collateral for production companies to obtain funds through the Greek banking system. Financing of the rebate is guaranteed through the Greek Public Investment Program. From April 2018 to December 2023, 393 applications have been submitted to the Greek cash rebate program (223 domestic and 170 international/cross-border productions) and the total investment capital amounts to €795 million. So far 188 projects have already received a total of €105 million through the cash rebate program.

What it offers

The implementation of Law 4487/2017 was a decisive step towards attracting investment through the production of films, television series, documentaries, animation, and digital games in Greece. Currently the Greek cash rebate is to 40%, provides a flexible floor for TV series (€15,000-€25,000 per episode), a minimum for digital games (€30,000), and includes documentaries (€60,000) and short films with a minimum of €60,000. The maximum amount of cash rebate an investment plan can receive is €12 million.The incentive has no sunset date, and it can serve as collateral for production companies to obtain funds through the Greek banking system. Financing of the rebate is guaranteed through the Greek Public Investment Program. From April 2018 to December 2023, 393 applications have been submitted to the Greek cash rebate program (223 domestic and 170 international/cross-border productions) and the total investment capital amounts to €795 million. So far 188 projects have already received a total of €105 million through the cash rebate program.

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